The Importance Of An Apology

Apologizing doesn't come easily to most of us. The Bible, however, offers us instances of people who apologized when they acted wrongly, and we can learn from their example.

On one occasion, for instance, the apostle Paul was arrested and taken before an assembly of religious leaders. He spoke very bluntly to the high priest, not realizing who he was and was rebuked for speaking disrespectfully to such an important official. Paul immediately apologized for his action, enabling him to continue with his defense.

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to apologize at times? One reason is pride. We hate to admit we were wrong. But the Bible says that pride is sin: "I hate pride and arrogance" ~ Proverbs 8:13

If apologizing is difficult for you, ask God to help you overcome your pride. Saying I'm sorry with a sincere and humble heart can make a huge difference in relationships, marriages, and in our lives.

Biblical Reference:
"Be completely humble and gentle" ~ Ephesians 4:2

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