From Boys To Men

During infancy, boys cling to their mothers because they are fully dependent on them for breastfeeding and care. When a baby cries, he seeks the care of his mother, he stops crying once he feels comforted and protected. This is normal for all babies, both boys and girls. 

As toddlers, young boys begin to identify with their father. They try to mimic their looks, manners, even the speech after this role model. Until recently, most little boys have grown up being taught that courage is the main sign of masculinity, so they have to be brave. Their fathers have taught them not to show vulnerability, fear, or need. Showing those emotions is a sign of weakness - all right for girls, but not for boys. A boys cries or says he's scared is often ridiculed and criticized. A boy who is strong and acts "like a man" is praised and rewarded. Most boys grow up thinking that it is acceptable to get angry and get into a fight, but never cry or show cowardly behaviour. This is a way of thinking that males carry with them through their teenage years and beyond, and which often influence their relationships with women.

Let's Be Friends

Elle's Notebook